Review of Hawking

Hawking (2004 TV Movie)
Saw this on Netflix some years ago.
13 September 2015
I rated it quite high because of several factors. It's about a subject I am quite fond of (science), and Mr Cumberbatch is always a wonderful actor.

I won't go into too much, other than it is the original that the "The Theory of Everything" is patterned on. I was quite agitated with Hollywood (per usual) for remaking something that had no need to be remade. This original "Hawking" is so good, it deserves to be known as the only one. I've seen both, and in my opinion, "Hawking" is the one to choose over "The Theory of Everything". The Hollywood movie version spent too much time on his wife's wicked love interest as Hollywood does so often, where this version (Hawking) concentrated on the science, the discovery, and Mr Hawking himself. Great stuff!

Highly recommend!
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