Welsh-Jamacan Drug Lords V.s Herion Addicted Russian Assassins? WTF?!? THIS, I GOTTA SEE!
3 April 2015
In a post lock stock world, gangster films have come thick and fast, with varying degrees of quality and success. Launching many careers and made household names of some of its stars.

So, in a genre some could argue has run dry, it was really fantastic to come across a gangster film not about 'Diamond Geezers' just being East end hard-men. Don't get me wrong, I love that stuff, but as a fan of the genre, I was surprised to come across Hackey's Finest. Sporting a multiracial cast of characters that was a nice change for this viewer.

Kudos to the writer for writing a script that has a really nice up and down quality to it. it never lagged and had some great laugh out loud funny moments both in terms of action and some awesome back and forth between the characters (the Russians and Jamacans were hilarious, and while you know you shouldn't really like these characters, you just can't help it) while, rather deftly, the story then turning a corner and walking the audience right into some strong drama with the other great leads.

The director has really done a really nice job here, crafting a fine blend of action, black comedy and pathos. Films usually stand or fall when dealing with a group, team or multiple characters. when every character doesn't get their moment in the sun or even screen time enough to be memorable. I'm happy to say this film doesn't suffer in that regard.

Because of the writer, director and of course the impressively talented cast, whom acquit themselves well, every character has chance to be funny, dramatic and have a strong, meaningful impact on the story, and as I've said, it's great to see a multi ethnic cast of actors in a film like this. There really is a lot to like about this movie.

It even has a great Marvel-Esque mid-credits funny scene, so don't leave the theatre when the credits roll...!

So not a dull note was hit. It has all the hallmarks of the gangster film. Just never like this, and for that it totally surprised me. The soundtrack is totally bad-ass too!. Great fun. Great movie. SEE IT!

I'd love to see these characters again. SEQUEL PLEASE!
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