Killing Jesus (2015 TV Movie)
Avoid Killing Jesus
30 March 2015
This movie was not at all true to the Gospels. The very fact that Luke 2:41-49 was ignored, is a travesty. Jesus knew who he was and understood his purpose from the beginning. The movie portrays him as confused and unsure until a band of friends push him into a ministry that he cannot turn back from. It also squarely points a finger at the roman authority of that time period in Judea. This is hugely contradictory to the fact that Jesus lay down his life for us of his own accord, there is no pointing of a finger to blame anyone group. You are served far better watching Mel Gibson's The Passion which shows from The Garden of Gethsemane how Jesus the Man and Jesus Divine purposefully went to the cross alive and died upon that cross and then resurrected himself 3 days later. If you watch Killing Jesus there was none of that and it merely portrays a thirst for blood of a patronized gang leader whose presence threatened Rome's authority. O'Reilly does not know the Bible and did a disservice to it's truth. 1 star for the acting.
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