Review of Exists

Exists (2014)
Not worth watching.
20 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So clearly the director didn't tell the actors how to act when reviewing their "film work" in the movie. *Everything is being filmed, party drives down road, hits something at night, reviews tape (what did we hit ? I don't know, i can't tell!), clearly shows bipedal creature (upright walking dear aka Bigfoot), party shrugs it off as nothing, continue to encounter Bigfoot (what did we do to p*ss it off ? we literally didn't do anything!) even though the video clearly shows that the party hit and most likely killed a Bigfoot thus being the reason why "It" is p*ssed. Nearly every step these clowns take is one closer to death. I was rooting for the cameraman to get killed off first so that the film would end sooner. I'll be honest, i skipped through a lot of this "film". It's essentially an 80's slasher flick with a Blair witch want to be style, cheesy dialog that would send most people into an early grave and terribly inconsistent sound effects. Kudos if this is your thing. Welcome to the era of SyFy (stds).
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