Predictable but entertaining
27 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The thing is if you have watched a thousand horror movies since you were a kid, like I did, then it would take a lot for a new horror movie to scare the crap out of us, because we already know their tricks and what to expect, and that is the case with THE LAZARUS EFFECT, be that as it may, I think this is an interestingly-made film by a director who never made a full length horror, but probably has seen enough horror films like you and I did. Olivia Wilde, Mark Duplass, Donald Glover, Evan Peters, and Sarah Bolger are researchers trying to bring the dead back to life, they do their tests on animals and succeed, but when the university finds out about their playing God, their experiment gets shut down, a situation which forces them to go rogue and do their experiment secretly. But things go wrong and Zoe (Olivia Wilde) is accidentally killed in the process. Duplex' character, Zoe's fiancé, Frank, couldn't handle the grief and the loss, so he takes it upon himself to resurrect Zoe, an action that comes with horrible consequences. It's alive!! It's alive!!! THE LAZARUS EFFECT plays homage to Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" and that is one of the attractions, the other draw is our human nature's curiosity about what happens after we die, and the third reason is, let's face it, we miss our lost loved ones and not a day goes by that sometimes we wish we could resurrect them and say goodbye to them one last time because the last words we shared may not have been a pleasant one. There are many reason stop go watch THE LAZARUS EFFECT, despite it being predictable. It's entertaining, great VFX and cinematography, I think Olivia Wilde's performance as the creepy zombie Zoe is simply brilliant, in fact, all of the cast members pull their weight and showcase their fright to the max. The film has enough to get you to want to watch it all the way through to the end.
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