Never Again...If We Collectively Vow To Be Sure Good Trumps Evil
5 February 2015
This is a miraculous film...miraculous in that it exists, but more than even that; miraculous in it's unadulterated depiction of the worst of humanity in wartime.

The dichotomy of war is depicted here. In Bergen-Belsen we see life struggling to be what life is and just feet away from piles of death as the corps were strewn. How can these two depictions of life occur so physically close? Only in the worst of war can such atrocities be present, if diversely repugnant. See this film and only trust your moral center as everything must be judged by inherent good.

The old adage that we are doomed to repeat history unless we learn from it comes to heart. Right now we have ISIS, a modern day Nazi style faction. Can we sit idly by and let evil fester. This film makes it clear that the cost will only exponentially multiply if good men sit by and do nothing. See this, weep for those lost at the hands of evil in the past, and renew your resolve that we must stand for good at this later day time where evil once more rears a powerful head.
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