Not good, by Heimdall!
28 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is, to my knowing, the first rip-off from the Vikings series.A very sad one at that....

This movie has a very shaky story line, full of unbelievable holes, weak characters and, at times, comedic acting.

You have the ever-present theme of vikings getting into Britain, this time into Scotland. OK, they are running from home, where they are at odds with the new king. So, it was easier to just grab a boat and try to reach Britain than to stay in their own land to regroup before venturing aimlessly across the sea. And they are all, at that point, unscathed, in spite of the battle they had to fight to get away.

Then they crash, losing all their weapons and gear. They are met by a patrol of superior numbers, armed and on horse. They kill all but one, that manages to escape. Only one of them gets seriously hurt. But they get a King's daughter that was with the patrol, being taken unwillingly to her marriage.

They manage to find a monk willing to help (oh, the parallelism is uncanny....). The monk does more than help, he becomes one of them. The King's daughter, as her father apparently prefers her dead so as not to weaken his political standing, also joins the troupe.

Daddy sends a platoon of murderous mercenaries to 'take care' of the situation. They are led by the younger of two brothers (the much older one is under his lead....go figure that...), a very strong fighter and more than half insane.

Well, they go dwindling each other's numbers until the final face- off, where the paradoxically good vikings win the day - just to find that Daddy brought a whole army to meet them. A whole army to meet a band of vikings. Yes.

But fear not! They jump from a very high cliff into the ocean where, instead of being crushed by the waves against the cliff walls, they find a magical boat that must have been just lying around in wait for someone to take it for a ride....

If you have nothing else to do, well, watch it.....there are swords, a bunch of guys get gruesomely killed and the pretty boy gets the pretty girl at the end. Bleargh.
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