Should be required viewing in schools
27 January 2015
I am the daughter and granddaughter of German Jews who got out just before Kristalnacht. I am also the relative of many many who were not as fortunate. My great-aunts and great-uncles along with unborn generations perished. Little to nothing is known about their fates; where or how they died and where they were interred.

In high school, I saw a French documentary that showed me, for the first time, images I had never even imagined. Horror I could not believe. I remember my classmates getting up at the end of the film and walking out of the room seemingly unfazed. I couldn't move.

Night Will Fall should be seen in every classroom on earth at least once. You cannot be too young or too old to understand the immense nature of mass insanity and those who stand idly by.

I will never forget and, in fact, am galvanized in my belief that we are too quick to assume evil will not touch us.

An absolute must see film. You will want to discuss this in depth with children before you let them watch and after.

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