Absurdity with a straight face, mocking a type of film while also delivering on it at the same time
23 November 2014
A red ball bounces down the street. Brothers unite in solidarity when one of them is hurting. A woman mourns her dead husband Mike and is not sure how she should continue. A young woman finds something wonderful in an unusual dating experience. A man struggles with the knowledge that his wife is cheating on him. Life. The Universe. Love. Unity. Peace. Red Ball.

If the plot summary of this sounds like the worst most pompous thing you've ever heard then this is deliberate. From the opening scene of a red ball bouncing down the street while life occurs all around it, the film continues this tone with delicate "isn't the universe amazing" music and tone, as different scenes play out. The short film is not really delivering this type of film but is rather twisting it, since most of this film is ridiculous but played with a straight face. I will not ruin the film by telling you specifics, mainly because the surprising randomness of it all was basically what worked for me. The events that unfold from simple "life- affirming" scenes are absurd and in this way I guess they could split the audience.

I can understand why many would think it was just randomness and silliness for the sake of it; but also why others think it is brilliant. For me it sort of falls in the middle since the more extreme parts didn't work quite as well as some of the more delicate moments, but generally it is very clever, very funny and very well delivered. It is the consistent straight face of the piece that makes it work as it does, and it is pretty impressive that the film manages to mock this sort of "we're all y'know, one, yeah?" rubbish while also capturing and delivering it perfectly too.

Technically the film is of a high standard. Okay the effects are not quite seamless, but they are still impressive and creative, while the film itself looks good with sharp images and good color. It is the absurdity mixed with the straight-faced delivery that makes it work very well though; perhaps a bit too random for some tastes (it was touch and go for me a few times) but it is worth a look because it is very well done.
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