Just a completely bad movie
12 November 2014
It's football season again, so I looked online to see what is recommended besides the usual top movies to get my seasonal football movie fix.This one was listed as one of the 25 best. Boy were they wrong. The movie is supposed to be a comedy, but all the comedy bits were just idiotic. This is Andy Dick at his worst. They cast him to be this crazy football coach who physically abuses his players every other scene; like chasing the players on a bike; poking them with the first down marker. How is this supposed to be considered funny? At least they got the crazy part right in hiring Andy Dick to play the role. The movie even tries to copy the formulas that other movies use to do well; but fails at that as well. At least with the other movies, you were left with a feel good feeling at the end; not a 'whatever, you just wasted my time' feeling like this one does. If you need a fix to watch a football movie this season, re-watch one of the greats instead. At least you'll having a satisfying feeling afterwords.
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