Monday Monday (2009)
Monday Monday charming and fun to watch!
9 November 2014
I really really liked Monday Monday. I was surprised it was not some cheesy, poor scripted, poor acting show given the rather strange title that I'm not at all sure what it means, if it does have a meaning in reference to the show. I guess in a way Monday Monday reminded me a bit of the movie Bridget Jones Diary combined with The Office, kind of the same British humor. I am from the States and really enjoy watching British, French, and other foreign TV series and movies.

I really felt this show had a very good, well-rounded cast of characters and I especially loved the "2 Karen's" - they did very well acting their parts and were pretty funny, IMO!! And of course Tom Ellis has become a favorite of mine since Rush started airing on USA Network here in America - had no clue he was British! It always amazes me how British, or other foreign actors, do away with their accent when acting in an American show. Like Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohen of The Walking Dead show, how they talk 'southern' on that show and you cannot hear a lick of the British accent. I always listen real good to see if I can hear it now and again, but I seldom do. Anyway, whatever. Oh, and Fay Ripley is probably, in my opinion, the funniest of all the cast playing the head of HR and a drunk and someone who lacks smarts! I really liked her character a lot and thought she did a great job playing the part!!

As far as Monday Monday goes, do yourself a favor and give it a watch. I actually found season 1, the only season so far,on the Viewster channel on my Roku box. But I just googled it and all 7 episodes of season 1 are on as well. Enjoy!!
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