Interstellar (2014)
Unmatched visuals and writing, yet sentimentalist and most definitely not Nolan's best directorial work
29 October 2014
I will keep this short for the sake of not spoiling anything.

Right off i should say I love Nolan. I adore most of his movies, and Interstellar is no exception. It is a marvelous piece of work whose visuals will be hard to forget. His shots of space and the way he played with colors is rather masterful. Maybe i expected it to be greater than what i saw, but even though i was moved by the movie i did not quite feel like he created something great with 'Interstellar.' This could be attributed maybe to his overuse of sentimentalism in the father-daughter relationship he creates. Nolan really tries to make you cry with this one. I have never seen him use such powerful emotions in his movies; however that is not necessarily a good thing for this movie, given that he uses his time trying to develop a family relationship at the expense of flow and congruency. Again, the Visuals are completely off the charts. The visual imagery is truly beautiful and something that Nolan has always excelled at. Given that the most visually stunning movie in recent years, Gravity, recently came out, Interstellar does not lag behind and shows you a spectacle of Visual effects.He will most likely win Visual effects at the Oscars. The Hans's score is marvelous and will most likely earn an Oscar nomination. Matthew Mcconaughey's acting is good, but nothing stellar, especially coming off the best acting role of his career. He plays the character like it should be played, but Nolan's characters never being truly drawn out or rounded does not help him any.The same can be said for the rest of the cast. The little girl was marvelous though. I do not want to reveal any piece of the story whatsoever, but i have to say, it is one of the most original scripts i've ever seen.

Ultimately this movie is entertaining. There is no way Nolan can miss that. Another great thing that Nolan excels at is INSPIRING. By the time the credits rolled and people walked out, I sat there still in awe at the strong sense of human will the movie conveys. Personally, I don't think this is Nolan's best. I believe Memento stands as his masterpiece. But with Nolan, everyone has their own favorite movie. Maybe for some, Interstellar will be their favorite movie, for it is really Nolan's most ambitious and visually-striking work.

By the way, Anyone else who even tries to compare Interstellar to "2001: A Space Odyssey" is out of their mind. Kubrick's mission was to create art. Nolan in "Interstellar" sets to awe and inspire its audiences. It is truly a great piece of work.
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