Completely off the mark
17 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Back in 2010, Lady Gaga and Beyonce were among the most admired pop musicians (well they probably still are), so a duet of the two should amount into something great, shouldn't it? Well, it didn't. The lyrics here are a complete joke and neither Beyoncé's spectacular voice nor Gagas talent for catchy tunes come to light here. The final result is really not great at all. The song, which starts shortly before the three-minute-mark, is generic and nothing special.

Ralking about the video, it was directed, just like "Paparazzi" by Swede Jonas Åkerlund who worked with Smashing Pumpkins and U2 among other in the past. He and Gaga also co-wrote the song. Early on, we see Gaga brought to jail in a zebra-like dress, where she makes fun of the rumors that she was man actually, makes out with another female inmate and wears truly smokin' glasses. Afterward, she is bailed out by Beyoncé, who proceeds to kill her man (Tyrese Gibson from "Fast&Furious" and "Transformers") just like Gaga did in "Paparazzi". Afterwards the two escape. Åkerlund and Gaga should be ashamed for the "very very bad girl" comment, for the "pussy wagon" and the "make a sandwich" quote. This video is a mess, as is the song, a definite contender for worst career effort for pretty much everybody involved.
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