Review of O21

O21 (2014)
This has started a new chapter in our Film Industry
7 October 2014
After watching Operation - 021, I can proudly say that Yes!, Pakistani Film industry has revived! A well developed, subtle piece of cinema which could be compared to the Foreign cinema. Yes, I felt during the movie that I was watching a Hollywood production with a European touch to it.

O21 is not your conventional commercial movie. It has layers, a depth to it. An art house cinema feel to it. If you lose your focus during the movie because you were too lazy to read the subtitles or understand what the character are saying, it's you to blame not the movie. One thing I loved about the movie is that there was no spoon feeding. Audience should be mature enough to understand what's going on. If you can figure out the possible setting then sorry to say you're not mature enough to watch the movie. Indian Masala movies have seriously ruined everyone's mind. Those atrocious movies have taken away their ability of thinking and analyzing. Cinema is not just for 'Entertainment', It's a much broader medium. If you think watching Item songs and ridiculous action sequences is what cinema is then.....No it's not. Cinema is much beyond that.

Hats off to Jami Mahmood One Motion Pictures and others for brining this movie from paper to screen. I could see the efforts, the great efforts behind it. Direction was brilliant. You can see the potential of this guy and know what this guy visions. Screenplay was compelling, particularly in the second half. Parallel structure reminded me of Alejendro Inarritu Gozalez. Soundtrack was on par with Hollywood. Cinematography was beautiful. Each and every frame was well thought and stunningly shot. Art direction was done with precision and Acting, especially by Ayub Khoso, Hameed Sheikh and Joe Towne were Outstanding. Some of the negatives: There were problems with the dialogues, it was difficult to hear what the characters were delivering and I had to rely on the subtitles. and syncing at few places was out. The fight sequence before the climax was badly choreographed and badly, wish it was up to the mark to make it more impactful.

Overall, An intelligent movie which was definitely not for Commercial films lovers who want over the top songs, dances and action sequences. Anyone who likes a sensible movie would appreciate it. Thanks to Jami and team for bringing this to us. This has started a new chapter in out Film Industry which I hope people would learn from and utilize it in their upcoming projects. Can't wait for Moor and Downward Dog now.

P.S. Do this movie a favour and don't disrespect it by saying 'Samajh main nayin ayi' 'It was boring'. Apni samjh barhao, Movie ko bura na bolo. I hope people change their perspective of watching movies.
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