What I find funny...
6 October 2014
Whether liberties were taken or not, everyone is basing the history of the Bonnie and Clyde off of hearsay said by other people. This was a story actually focusing on Bonnie and Clyde and not what others had said about them. People claim Ralph Fults has said he never killed anyone. But he was a criminal just like them and oh so many criminals tell the truth. I don't understand people's love for the 1967 movie which was fantasy too saying it was more historically accurate. Um...Why? Were they in the backseat with Bonnie and Clyde during the events? No. They don't know what happened. And we will never know what happened between Bonnie and Clyde. What truly happened. Blanche was a criminal too. Can we really take statements made by criminals known for being dishonest truthfully? Come on, people.

Again whether or not this story was more true or not, I don't know but to say that Bonnie wasn't an instigator when we have no evidence to prove that she wasn't. In fact the TV movie even covers that the papers were printing that Clyde was the more ruthless of the two and she was merely along for the ride when we don't know whether or not that was true or not, cause we weren't there. I am more willing to believe she was the instigator. It doesn't make sense for Clyde to be comfortable robbing mom and pop shops and gas stations and then all of the sudden want to do bigger jobs when he was fine with the small ones.
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