Dark Girls (2011)
This is a documentary I plan on forcing on young people
3 October 2014
planktonrules says this is the type of film wishes s/he wishes they could "force children and teens to watch," and I wholeheartedly agree. I *will* be showing this film to my (college-level) literature classes in the near future. My primarily white students need to see this because they desperately need to see and hear people of color (in particular black folk in this film) as complex, deeply human humans, and my students of color need to see people like them/more like them, to hear their voices, recognize themselves, for their experiences to be legitimized on screen.

This film interviews a variety of people--black men, white men, and especially "dark girls" of every complexion and body type, not shying away the uncomfortable and complicated facets of skin color, especially in the US, but also globally.
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