Review of Legends

Legends (2014–2015)
The Sean Bean Show
2 October 2014
While the forum section will have you believe this is the 2nd coming of the Dexter finale, it's not.

While not the most original show, it has its good parts. Sure the characters aren't really that interesting. I mean most people I assume gave this a chance and caught their eye mostly because of Sean Bean. The tech geek is a direct copy of the one in Arrow, and that's pretty lazy, but it's passable as I really only care about Mr.Bean's character really.

The writers could have done a better job with the characters but they are all passable and Bean fills up the void left by them.

The story seems pretty good. I didn't really feel it is that far-fetched or insulting to people's intelligence ( like The Strain or The Following ).

In the end you'll have to see for yourself. I was immediately hooked after the pilot and I can't say the show has gotten worse or better. Every new episode we find out new things in this ongoing madness of the life of the protagonist. So I guess that could qualify as a "gotten better". First 1-2 episodes are more like "House M.D." style with the plot slowly being introduced to us and now it's mostly about that besides the fbi cases.

I would say atm, it's a solid 7.5-8. People giving it 6 and stuff like that clearly are over exaggerating since there are a lot of worse, way worse shows, with worse acting, worse plots, worse actors, worse production quality.
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