Christian Values Film that Perpetuates "Hysterical Female" Stereotype
16 August 2014
Where to begin? This film is just so awful. It is a Christian values film at its core, which isn't for everyone. No, that isn't why the film is so bad. It's bad because every single joke falls flat, none of the characters are interesting or likable, and the scenarios they find themselves in are simply ridiculous. But the worst part is that the film continually perpetuates the "hysterical female" stereotype through the actions of its three female leads. Throughout the film, none of the women can keep it together, and instead turn into screaming, out of control, weeping, needy balls of mush every time something, really anything, doesn't go their way. For example, the main character has an aggressive nervous breakdown in a restaurant and makes such a disturbance that she gets kicked out. Why was she so upset? Simply because she made reservations for the wrong day. Really?! Another example is when the three women have to go to the police station to pick up family members. They come stomping in, scream at the duty officer, scream over each other, ignore the officer's commands to calm down, and then force their way to the back of the station. Not surprisingly, one of the women gets tasered and all three are arrested. I could go on and on. So how does God fit into all of this? Well the women seem to think that God wants them to be hysterical and out of control. As the main character says at the end with a big smile on her face - God made her to be a mess. Apparently God wants this film to be a mess too, and He should be pleased with just how much of a mess it is.
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