Zorro must prevent a French Count from destroying America.
4 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Legend of Zorro is a legend worth forgetting. It is drastically different from the first film in a bad way. There is no entertaining revenge plot in this film. The film has been dumbed down into a family friendly adventure. The cool chemistry between Antonio Bandares and Catherine Zeta Jones is severely lacking in this film. Instead of being passionate lovers, they are mostly depicted as bickering parents in order to serve the film's mediocre plot. This films plot is so silly by involving a French count trying to destroy the U.S. with explosive soap. Besides being stupid, the films plot is also historically inaccurate. I usually don't like to identify historical inaccuracies with movies set in history because it can be considered nitpicking. However, this film's plot is grossly inaccurate. For instance, there was no Confederate army in 1850 because there was no civil war then. While there are many bad points in this film, there are also a few good points. One of these good points is the films villain played by British actor Rufus Sewall. He is the mark of a true actor by being able to disappear into different characters, usually villains. He has the charm of a James Bond villain and definitely deserved to be in a better film playing a better character. Overall, this film is a drastic bore. If you want to see a good Zorro film, watch the superior Mask of Zorro.
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