Isn't This the Movie That Guy Starred in?
12 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Some movies are so bad, they're funny - The Stuff. Some movies are so bad they'll make you cringe - Human Centipede. This movie, however, falls into the 3rd category of bad... the one that is categorized by looking at a movie selection a year later and thinking, "Did I see that one before or not?"

Everything about this movie just ranks as unremarkable. I saw a brief synopsis of the movie and figured it had potential. Almost 2 hours later, I'm wishing I had done something else with the past couple hours of my life though... take out the garbage, do the dishes... anything that I could show some result for!

The only portion of the movie that gave me the slightest jolt is when I connected "Noah" with "that kid from T2" (Edward Furlong) and it's kind of sad when the pinnacle of entertainment a movie provides comes from playing a "5 degrees of" game with the cast.

There's really nothing else to see here in this movie. It tries to steal premises from much better movies like "What Dreams May Come", "Jacob's Ladder" and "Flatliners" but fails at making an original, or at least entertaining story.

When the ending came (rather anti-climatically I might add) I was happy just to move on with my life.
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