Review of Creature

Creature (2011)
To call it "utter trash" would actually be a compliment; it's much worse!
17 May 2014
No, seriously... if this movie was made in the 80s, you could, perhaps, excuse it to some extent, but it was produced in 2011, for Pete's sake!

In this day and age, it is totally inexcusable to waste money on making this kind of crap!

I would also complain about waste of talent, but none was involved -- not one of the cast members could pass for an actual actor.

You could also bring up waste of effort, but that is also not applicable, since the movie is exceptionally poorly-written and badly-pieced-together.

Sometimes you watch a movie and it makes no impression on you, so you forget it. But some movies are so BAD that you feel obligated to warn others. Well, this was one of those.

Lame, wacky, dump. Basically, a TOTAL waste of time.
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