Jerusalem (2013)
Experience the Wondrous Splendour, Jerusalem
21 April 2014
As one of great Faith in the Christian beliefs, I went knowing I would see and experience the mother land - Jerusalem, Israel. Growing up, like many, I have heard of the many stories of Christ Jesus and the many amazing works recorded in the Bible. As you can imagine, this was only a historic imagery I could only grasp through the retelling of events that happened many many years ago. So when I was up early this morning at 5:30am I wondered what I would do with my day off during the long Easter break. I looked up movies that I could go an watch and came across the Jerusalem 3D IMAX screening. This was surely a divine appointment for me to go and see this film as I had no intention prior to today to see this film nor go see a movie or even go out. I went on my own to this film and had never regretted the choice to make the long journey into the city to watch Jerusalem. It was an awe inspiring film with majestic panoramic views of Israel's beautiful landscape. The very opening moments of the intro over whelmed me and I was in tears through out the film as I was exposed to the wondrous splendour Jerusalem presented. I saw the ruins and monuments, the reconstructions of famous sites and buildings and also the people of Jerusalem. The history behind Israel was wonderfully narrated as I took in the realisation that this was the centre focal point of the 3 power faiths - Jewish,Muslim & Christian faiths are all rooted here in this Holy Land. I went away knowing so much in the 45min film and was equipped with inspiration and drive to one day visit Jerusalem,Israel. My heart automatically yearned for Jerusalem and I instantly fell in love with her grace and precious priceless value. I was deeply moved watching Jerusalem due to my spiritual ties to Israel and my strong love for Christ as this was the place he spent his last few days leading into the festival we celebrate, Easter. I encourage all to see who have the chance to view this on the big screen. A must see in my opinion. Thanks for reading. Hopefully I'm writing about My own experience about Jerusalem once I fulfil a dream to make a trip there and retell it from my own personal account.
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