Too clever by half – deliberately pushes you away just to grab you with nonsense (TOTAL SPOILERS)
14 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very odd film and, just like the title it is in two parts and it is impossible to discuss without spoilers. I stress this early on because the only way to come to this film is without any knowledge about the content. The setup is this: the first half of the film is a bad art film – a man adrift in the sea with his belongings all around him, lost, middle-aged and just drifting through life. So far, so teenage poetry. This goes on for the majority of the running time before it abruptly cuts to the second act which is in color and is the making of the first half of the film, but a shark attack sees the actor attacked and mauled even though the crew frantically try to get rid of the shark by throwing eggs at it.

There must be something smart in here but I will leave it for the "keen to be in the know" type viewer to gush about it. I'd guess there is a comment here about self important art films as well as the nature of internet viewers of short films to need excess and impact to keep their attention. However for me this film just didn't work, primarily because it made no sense at all and offered nothing apart from a bad art film and then an empty jump punch-line. Even if there was a point to the first half, it does still mean that you are spending about 4 minutes watching a dull, pretentious image that really doesn't change too much. The impact of the shark at least breaks the monotony of that but it feels empty and just a spectacle for the sake of it – and the "egging" of the shark just adds more nonsense to the table, presumably so that even if you are tempted to try to find some sublime wisdom or meaning, the teenage prank of "egging" should warn you off from even trying.

I really have no idea what the makers were trying to do with this but there is really nothing here unless you are looking for a film that has an extreme juxtaposition of tones and content (and nothing else) because then this film delivers. But without any substance or meaning the film is a dull 4 minutes followed by 1 minute of essentially cinematic trolling.
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