He'd give Einstein a run for his money...
21 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In my day, dogs would fetch sticks and wee on fire hydrants. They most certainly did NOT adopt little boys and take them on magical time travel adventures. Just what are they putting in Pedigree Chum these days? Anyway, Mr Peabody is a canine genius. He can talk, solve complicated mathematical equations and has even won gold medals at the Olympics. Why no-one is shocked when they meet the only animal capable of all these feats is beyond the pale; he is what he is.

But of all his accomplishments, being a father is his proudest achievement (BLESS!). And his little boy is starting his first day at school! Unfortunately, a girl decides to pick on the kid purely down to jealousy... and his son retaliates by biting. In the midst of trying to prove he's not teaching the child bad habits and convince the social services not to take his adoptee away, Peabody, his kid and his female aggressor get stuck going through the epochs in his time machine.... in circumstances too complicated to go into here. Much lampooning of historical figures, toilet humour and father-son bonding commences.

Based on some old 60's cartoons no-one here in the UK remembers (apart from a brief reference on a Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror special) Mr Peabody & Sherman is an enormously fun frolic through the ages, which moves forward at a lickety split pace but leaves ample room for character development and scenes that'll make you go 'aaahhh!' Considering Peabody is so desperate to avoid time paradoxes throughout, it seems rather odd that he'd allow the likes of Tutankhamun and Leonardo Da Vinci to take modern technology with them at the end... surely if anything was going to mess up the timeline, it's that. And the bit where it looks like our doggy genius might be put to sleep for nipping a woman under extreme provocation is not only upsetting, it also seems highly unlikely that they'd allow such a unique creature such a fate.

Nitpicks, nitpicks. This is a very good family film, with jokes for all ages and a very moving familial relationship at it's core. In fact, I'm somewhat envious... perhaps Peabody could take me on too. Just send me the papers... 7/10
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