Psychosis (I) (2010)
Disappointing and could've been better
30 January 2014
After moving to a new house in the country, a writer begins to believe the strange visions and hallucinations around the house are all in her head and meant to drive her crazy, but she discovers a history of death and mayhem in the area that may prove to be the actual culprit.

This is an admittedly decent film in concept, yet this one here just doesn't really do enough to really differentiate itself from the hordes of similarly-themed films and in the end comes across merely as decent. The fact that this one tends to just meander on about different ideas and topics that aren't in the slightest bit scary, from the constant scenes of the young boy playing soccer to the freak-outs over the gardener and the endless scenes of her breaking down crying and needing to be comforted, it just grows old and never once creates an atmosphere or aura of creepiness, which is somewhat of a let-down considering the fact that nothing much happens. Without many kills for gore-gags and a pretty lagging pace until the finale when the real ploy is revealed and the scares get somewhat more intense, not a whole lot to like here unless this sort of thing fits you.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence, Full Nudity and sex scenes.
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