Liked It the Least of the Three
25 October 2013
I liked the first two films of these interconnected movies "Before Sunrise"(1995) and "Before Sunset"(2004). I've always liked Ethan Hawke's acting and I thought the scripts were full of life and fresh dialog. I felt that way for maybe 1/2 of this latest film and then, for me, it just deteriorated into one long argument between the two protagonists, often accompanied by vicious barbs and personal verbal attacks. I thought for a moment I was back watching "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf", from decades before.

It was not entertaining for me to watch Jesse(Hawke) and Celine(Julie Delpy) try to win this argument by throwing out all the stereotypes, generalizations, and platitudes that you might find in "Men Are From Mars-Women Are From Venus". They've been together now for many years, and the parents of twin girls Ella and Nina. Jesse is divorced and his son Henry is just leaving Jesse to head back to the States where he lives with his mother. They've all been vacationing in beautiful Greece for the summer.

As mentioned, why ruin all the positives of the first two films and half of this one with all this mean spiritedness?
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