Review of +1

+1 (2013)
Plus 3 - and thats being generous.
1 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what it is about this Rhys Wakefield guy but I find him really hard to look at. It was the same in that Sanctum movie (which was awful btw) but his pout and weird face kinda freaks me out. I must admit though, that face suited the story in The Purge because those characters needed to look a little strange (or is that... Strangers lol). But really, his mug is unsettling.

Plus one, begins with a badly timed kiss and the break up of the Wakefield character and his long standing girlfriend. The story then progresses to a house party which all the local somebody's must attend. I found the introduction to this really laughable, with all these clean cut kids doing things in an Indian guys house which just wouldn't happen in real life. One drinks vodka with his eye, they eat food from a naked Chinese girls body, and play tennis with a ball which has been lit - eventually setting the house on fire but extinguished by the house sprinklers. The guy who's parents own the house shouts "don't worry everyone" and the party continues with the sprinklers soaking everything in the large room and the curtains burning. I mean...really?

The action then kicks off with an extraterrestrial drop-in which travels via the electricity pylons and a timeslip takes place causing everyone at the party to be replicated, their doubles existing a few minutes behind their real counterparts. What follows is contrived, meandering, and ultimately boring however. Wakefield walks around trying to sort out his blown relationship and the viewer sits watching not really caring what happens next. Maybe it all works if you're 15 as superficiality is king today right?

The only half decent part is where the real guys decide to kill the replicants (erm, no, it's nowhere near the par of THOSE replicants) and a bit of a showdown takes place in a large barn with some stabbings, and hair pullings going on. It's all one big yawnfest however.

By the end everything's back to normal and Mr pout makes up with his girlfriend and they all live happily ever after. While I sat thinking, I will see this movie again happily never after.
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