Propaganda for the KKK
5 September 2013
After continually hearing about this movie, I had to watch it for myself to see what it was all about. I regret every minute I wasted on this pathetic movie. It was nothing more than a propaganda movie for the KKK. Historically inaccurate ... hell, "inaccurate" is putting it mildly. Basically, it was 3 hours of 'oh woe is me, the white man is being subjugated by the big bad black man!'.

Half the movie was spent fighting the urge to put my head through the wall, and the other half was spent laughing at the stupidity. And no, this was NOT a comedy! The author was dead serious(ly a nutjob).

The acting was terrible. The majority of actors were white men in black-face, who did an outstandingly terrible job of acting like black men. There were plenty of times I was left scratching my head, wondering if some of them were even supposed to be black characters.

The women were piteous nitwits, the men pompous simpletons. Not one person in this movie was portrayed as having more intelligence than a pumpkin. But oh boy were they overflowing with bravado! It's sad to know that so many people actually thought like this. Even more sad that in 2013, so many people STILL think like this. We see the evidence of it every day with conservatives - especially southern conservatives. I'm beginning to wonder if this movie is some sort of playbook for racist Republicans (aka Teabaggers). They all seem to love revisionist history, and this movie is rife with it! I don't recommend this movie to anyone, unless you're a glutton for punishment. 1/10 stars (if I could have given fewer, I would have!)
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