Psychosis (I) (2010)
You might just get a psychosis from suffering through this movie...
30 July 2013
"Psychosis" started out well enough, but then it went downhill quite fast, crumbling into boredom and a general lack of purpose.

I am not going to even bother with the storyline here, as it was a very weak and thin storyline. The events that took place seemed irrelevant and at often incoherent.

The movie trots ahead at a very slow pace, and nothing overly interesting happens, and as such this movie is a test to get through. And I have to admit that I didn't make it through. I gave up and had to turn it off out of sheer boredom.

Although this movie was acted out by mostly people that I hadn't seen before, there was a single familiar face; Charisma Carpenter. But not even her presence in the movie was enough to keep anything in this movie afloat. Now, it is always nice to see new and unfamiliar faces, but when they have nothing proper to work with, then they are fighting a losing uphill battle.

Don't get lured in and suckered in by the DVD cover, because the movie is not even remotely anything near as interesting as the DVD cover makes it out to be. This movie was bad with a capital B. We all have different like and dislikes, and "Psychosis" surely wasn't even close to the edge of being in my liking.
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