Hatchet III (2013)
A movie made it seems just so they can say, watch the Hatchet trilogy. Nothing but gore and blood splattering. Fun. I say C-.
27 June 2013
"You come into a police station covered in someone else's blood head to toe. Your carrying a weapon and a piece of somebody's head and the best you got for me as an alibi is some kind of urban legend?" Marybeth (Harris) has finally killed Victor Crowley. When she shows up at the police station covered in blood the sheriff doesn't believe her story and locks her up while his crew goes out to look at what happened. While they are there one by one they get killed. Is it possible that Victor has come back again? I'm not sure what the fascination is with trilogies lately but this is an example of a movie being made just because they wanted a trilogy for this series. The movie could have been done in about a half hour but it was drug out for an hour and a half. The movie is basically the sheriff yelling at everyone mixed in with gore and a lot of blood. The first one in the series was OK, but I never thought I wish they made more. Hopefully this one closes the series, but if they can make 6 Fast and Furious movies I'm not hanging on to the dream of no Hatchet 4. Overall, if you liked the others then you will like this, or if you like gratuitous gore and blood then this is for you. If you want an actual plot then look elsewhere. I give it a C-.
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