Poorly written, badly directed, bleakly acted - don't recommend this one
16 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I've made it a bit of a principle to steer clear of anything with Uwe Boll on the poster, but after reading a few of the reviews from other IMDb users, I decided to once more give him the benefit of the doubt. Big mistake.

The narrative is so ridiculously obvious that it makes your head hurt after watching for just a few minutes, but the film keeps on painting this utterly one-dimensional picture of the beautiful and hard-working American couple who are victimized by the evil and greedy bankers. First goes the investments, then the health insurance, then the job, then the house, and then someone dies ... and now it's payback time (one man, out for revenge!).

Anyone who has anything to do with the financial services industry are vilified and then later gunned down in a banker conspiracy theory nut's wet dream. Secretaries and office clerks are just as valid targets as CFOs and CEOs.

The acting is thin and strained, the characters are cardboard stereotypes, the story not very believable and at the end of it all, the glorification of a mass-shooting just left me with a bad taste in my mouth.

There is nothing new or improved here, in comparison with other Uwe Boll films. I suspect the only reason other people are giving it any kind of decent rating, is simply because they enjoy the subject matter of someone taking "justice" to Wall Street ... indulging in some kind of murder fantasy that is frankly disgusting to watch.
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