I Shouldn't Be Alive (2005–2012)
Great Show! It can be tolling to watch, but very interesting!
8 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
One of my favorite shows. I've probably seen 90% of the episodes. The announcer can be extremely annoying to listen too. The events are dramatic enough without the announcer going over board. If it's 30 degrees outside he will go on about it being sure death and they will likely freeze to death by morning. He gets over dramatic about the heat as well. Meanwhile in a different episode the person will be in -20 degree weather and live through several nights. One thing this show will teach you is; the old cliché' saying if you're ever lost stay where you are rarely applies(95% of the time)and the 5% of the time it does, who's to say you wouldn't have been found or saved yourself otherwise? In the episode Ice Cave Survivor, a father and son get caught in a blizzard at a Ski Resort on their last ski run of the day and lose sense of direction. So they stumble upon an ice cave and stay there for the night. Since the dad was an officer in the Military he stubbornly abides by the stay where you are rule. Completely healthy and uninjured he sits there in the cave with his son for 10 days and both nearly die. The dude could have hiked and skied around the mountain a thousand times. When you watch episodes where people hike 100's of miles on broken legs to get to safety. This dude was about 1-2 miles from safety in any direction and completely healthy. People who watch this show generally whine about how stupid the people are etc., I rarely do, but there's a handful that are mind blowing and this is one of them. Anywho, a very entertaining show!
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