Not brilliant...
15 April 2013
Here's a bit of advice: Cult films are usually made accidentally. Something like Withnail And I or Eraserhead were not designed to be quoted or referenced decades later, but thanks to a combination of public affection and quirkiness, that's exactly how its turned out. If on the other hand, you TRY to make your movie as a crazy and as random as possible to give it distinction, you usually all goes tits-up and the ends up with a bit of a mess. Exhibit A: This.

Now I don't doubt that Simon Pegg made it with the best of intentions, and there is SOME truly inspired stuff here that made me giggle no end. But there are also plenty of feeble jokes that not even a playschooler would laugh at, and a narrative which is all rather tragic. And Pegg's character is such a shrill worrywart who does such stupid things, he becomes a figure of hate rather than a 'hero' to sympathise with... which isn't good considering he's the sole person on screen most of the time...

A curate's egg then. (Gosh, I've been waiting to use that term for AGES, man... Don't I sound bright?) 5/10
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