Why, Charlie Brown, Why? (1990 TV Short)
A Remarkably Good Departure From the Peanuts Formula
8 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
By 1990 the "Peanuts" series had grown to well over 30 specials. Most were very well received by fans of the series as well as the general viewing audience. One main factor was light hearted nature the subject matter presented in each outing.But this special is different. Even when the characters faced tough situations, those examples of drama were nothing in comparison to what was faced in this very strong and well presented episode. This time it was serious business. The story centers around a young girl to which Linus has developed a close relationship with. Early on in the story she becomes ill and is admitted to the hospital where she is diagnosed with cancer. Her struggles and will to survive are documented as well as Linus doing his best to provide moral support. The story has a happy ending, but the viewer now understands that the characters we know and love, like us, have to sometimes face the ugly realities of life. And in this story they...especially Linus and Janice...very much do so. Due to the seriousness of the story, Snoopy's normal antics are very limited, appropriate considering the story line, and Linus' blanket is gone, a well thought idea to present him not as a goofy kid, but a pre-teen acting in a mature and responsible manner. All in all this is a must see for fans of the series, you may shed a tear, but in the end you will be even more close to the characters you have known and loved for years.
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