Review of Solstice

Solstice (II) (2008)
Nice "Ghost Story"/"Teen Slasher" sun-genre combo!
26 March 2013
To me, Solstice has been a rather positive surprise. As a devout fan of the Horror genre and almost all its sub-genres, I watch many Horror films, sometimes a few in one week, and with the genre being as "Hollywoodly" neglected as it is (at least quality-wise) I come across many mediocre films, or worse. Lowered expectations have become the finest tool for us horror fans. Unfortunate, but true. Having said that - being a Horror fan does have it's rare special moments and perks, and Solstice has been just one these.

Solstice's true innovative and original genius is, in my opinion, its combining of two sub-genres: Ghost Stories and Teen Slashers. While the Ghost Story part is pretty straight forward, the Teen Slasher bit has some pretty nice features that differentiate it. For instance with no spoilers - the guy in the gas station isn't an old redneck, and the usual roles of the characters (jerk, hottie, good guy and such) get rather scrambled at some point.

The story and build-up are good enough, creating interest and sympathy, and the acting is also pretty decent by all the cast. Always nice seeing Ice Man Shawn Ashmore in other roles. The plot is well thought of, and the twist has really taken me by surprise!

While I can't point my finger to anything specifically wrong, I can say that while Solstice is good, it isn't great and could have been better (but how many films can you name that couldn't have?). Devout fans of the genre would really enjoy the cross-genre, and all in all the film itself has been fun to watch. Recommended!
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