It's not possible! It's just not possible! Not grownups too!"
6 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** It's 1960 with the King Elvis Presley drafted into the US Army with Rock & Roll music now on life support talent scout Mitch Mason played by a very youthful looking John Cronin who according to the IMDb Bio. of him is supposed to have been born in 1904, making him 55 years old at the time the movie was made, and his friend and fellow talent scout Dizzy Bellew, Alvy Moore, travel to his hick town in New England named Alpine Peaks to checkout this new dance craze called "The Twist" thats the talk of the town. With Clay Cole doing the both singing and twisting on stage the two are amazed in that everyone in town young old and even those blue noeses who can't stand hip & jive music are into it! That in them throwing away all their inhibitions and just twisting the night, that's Saturday night, away!

Knowing that he's got a gold mine in the "Twist" becoming the biggest music craze to hit the USA since Rudy Valley Mitch tries to get top music promoter Joe Marshall,Tol Avery, to promote it and it's singer Clay Cole and the two dancers who preform it Tina & Larry Louden, Mary Mitchell & Jeff Parker. But poor Mitch faces an uphill struggle in having Marsall agree with him. He has to marry Marshall spoiled rotten to the core daughter Debbie, Maura McGiverey, before he gives him the O.K!

An almost carbon copy of the 1956 Rock & Roll hit movie "Rock Around the Clock" made five years earlier with the same corny and cheesy ending with Mitch ending up legally stiffing Joe Marshall in his so-called iron clad contract and even like in the movie "Rock Around the Clock" slipping in the them song from the movie "From Here to Eternity" for good measures. Still it's worth watching with the great songs in it preformed by Chubby Checker Dion, Dion Dimucci, "The Marcels" as well as pretty teenage singing sanitation Vicki Spencer that will make you forget just how silly the movie really is.

What you really get to see in the movie "Twist Around the Clock" is just what a great and generous person the great Chubby Checker really is. Even though it was Chubby who made the Twist the most popular dance craze of the 1960's he didn't mind disk jockey and later talk show host Clay Cole taking credit for it in the film! Something you'd never see with the dog eat dog competition and egos among those in the popular music business today.
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