Good comedy drama from the federal republic of Germany
16 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Poor Frederick The great,Otto Gebur, retired and is now a farm hand.the Store about A struggling mom Madja, played by Adelheid Seeck, and her three teenage daughters Beatie, played by Renate Barken, Elfreide and Maxi, played by the the Harlan sisters, Maria Korber and Susanne Korber. They are in dept with the farm. Madja has been divorce for 15 years. Harald Juhnke plays pastor Clutters, his debut on screen,who visits socially with the Ambergs. He tells Madja that selling the farm would be the best thing,but she want to hold out for a renewed bank loan. Madja get a letter from Edward her ex,played by ,a rather too old for the role Albrect Shoenhals. He's going to take over the plays and wants one of the girls to live with him. Madja does not like that.the three daughters feel mother needs a man.They are determine to find one for her. Professor Hartwig, played by Axel Von Ambesser, is an old Friend of Madja, who allows them to move into his studio when they sell the house.George Thomalla portrays Bollman , the real estate salesman,who sells the house too Edward, but the family does not know it since Ed wants to be incognito. The daughters end up falling in love first before getting mom a man. Beate with Bollman. In which mom does not approve of since he is a womanizer,Pop's angry at his daughter for being in love with Bollman. Maxi falls in love with clutter,but she's not sure about it. Elfriede fall for professor Hartwig, in which Her mother approves of .Maxi works at the farm for Edward without realizing that's her father.She gets uncomfortable when he acts affectionate to her and this gets Clutter Jealous, until he finds out the truth after Maxi accident with the horse .Edwards and Madja decides to take a second chance with each other with a sequel following ,Three girls grow up.Ha!Ha!Ha!ha!Ha!.Nope just kidding.This was an excellent comedy almost like the American three smart Daughters and Little women. Bully Buhlan German pop sing of the time makes his film debut 11/16/12
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