I guess if you liked the first one
4 November 2012
I didn't like the first Rest Stop. This one is somewhat of an improvement, at least during the first half. That's when we learn about the origins of the driver, so to speak. Then we are introduced to the main characters, an army guy brother of the guy in part I; his girlfriend and a geek who's had a crush on the girl from part I. They all go searching for the kids from part I. They run into the typical creepy gas station guy, they find the rest stop, not before the driver finds them and gives them a hard time. Eventually he grabs army guy and tortures him. He in turn finds his brother, or so it seems. The girlfriend and the geek start having visions of the girl from part I and the geek will be delivered to the weirdo family which also makes a comeback in this movie.

The girlfriend will confront the driver and she will get tortured and later, army guy fights the driver. Several times we see the weirdo family driving around bothering people with their religious talk.

The second half of Rest Stop II is just as dismal as all of the first movie. That's when we get supernatural events that make no sense and in the end make this movie senseless and pointless. At least this one seems to have a bigger budgets. So instead of a few people running endlessly around a rest stop, here we get some more locations. The gore and violence are good but rare. The weirdo family isn't scary, interesting or creepy, just annoying. This time around we see plenty of the driver and his face, but still learn little about him that would be consistent. We learn of an Indian myth about lost souls looking for their eyes and yet rarely do we see the driver without eyes. But trying to make sense of this movie is fruitless. And this movie doesn't give us enough to forgive the fact that it makes no sense whatsoever.
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