Paranormal Witness (2011– )
Could be the best paranormal TV show in recent history...
22 October 2012
Not since the glory days of the original run of Unsolved Mysteries have we had it so good! After being forced to suffer frat boy ghost hunters and dumbed down ADD-addled supernatural expeditions that go nowhere while frustrating the viewer, along comes a program that shows just how effective a return to the tried-and-true formula of "let the eyewitness tell the story" along with solidly cast and executed reenactments can be. Having totally missed out on this show until a few days ago (happened upon it on Netflix instant) both the wife and I were stunned to find that this show totally delivers. Emotionally engaging and often times frightening, it's been one winning episode after another. Granted, we have yet to peruse the second season and hopes are high that they don't alter the formula with the same inane sensationalist flash that makes most other paranormal shows nigh unwatchable. Will continue to follow this series with great interest!
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