The Mob Doctor (2012–2013)
You've Got To Be Kidding
22 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard about this show, I'll admit that I was a little skeptical about the show being any good. Never the less, I figured that at least the show had a somewhat original premise. Why not check it out? Well, it turns out, I should have listened to the skeptical instincts because this show is ridiculous. It follows the story of a young and intelligent surgeon (played by Jordana Spiro) who it turns out, also is forced to take side jobs for you know who in order to pay off the debt of her brother. The idea does sound interesting, but unfortunately is not executed well. Why should she be the one who is paying off the debt when she is not the one who owes them? Maybe if the mob payed her medical school tuition, then it would make sense. Also, the producers have clearly never read up on the mob. Case in point, in the pilot, the young doctor is ordered to kill a patient she will be operating on because he his a turncoat. Now stop right there. As someone who has read a lot about the mob and organized crime in general, I can tell you that the mob would never, ever, ever, ever send someone who has never killed before to do such an important hit. Never. Even if the target was in a hospital and under guard, they would not do that. The reason should be obvious; the person is not a stone, cold killer and would likely not be able to go through with it. Also, the mob has had some pretty ingenious ways to kill someone (just read up on Richard Kuklinski and you'll see what I mean) that they would probably try first. I may watch the second episode to see if the show gets better, but I doubt that it will. At this stage, I recommend that you pass on "The Mob Doctor".
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