Hereafter (2010)
Here and now, not much hereafter or memorable material
9 September 2012
After what I consider one of most amazing tsunami sequences in a film ever and a near-death experience, one might be inclined to think other spectacular scenes would follow. Such is not the case. Hereafter is a rather intimate drama following 3 parallel stories involving death. We don't spend really any time in the afterlife except the short glimpses near the start. It might be better called "Here and now". You have the famous French journalist involved in the tsunami (parts actually in French), the psychic with real powers who doesn't want to do it anymore (Matt Damon) and twins who suffer a tragedy. So, I would have liked seeing the "afterlife" explored or explained, but I was disappointed there. The near-death experience angle, scientific or spiritual, was also basically overlooked, another disappointment. What Dreams May Come or Flatliners, this film definitely isn't.

The movie had a few nice moments (such as the visit of the different "psychics"), but overall it felt disjointed, and the 3-way structure made the stories less developed and compelling. In fact, the story with the French was the one I cared the least for (despite having French as my first language) and the story arc with the twins was undermined somewhat by their limited acting ability (very inexpressive most of the time). The story arc with Matt Damon, I enjoyed the most and would have almost preferred if the film had focused exclusively on him. I could definitely relate to his performance of a good, very lonely man who was hurt by life. The highlights to me were whenever the redhead woman (played wonderfully by Bryce Dallas Howard) was interacting with him. Even though not much usually happened, it was riveting and I rooted for them. In fact, I would definitely pair them up in another romantic movie. I wasn't particularly moved where I should have been moved except for a thing involving Bryce's character. I didn't hate watching Hereafter, but I wasn't particularly impressed either (except for the tsunami scene). For such a rich subject, it could have been done much better even while evacuating most of the fantastical element, like here.

Rating: 6 out of 10 (good)
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