Gen-Y Cops (2000)
A disappointing sequel to say the least...
20 August 2012
I decided to watch "Gen X Cops 2: Metal Mayhem" immediately after I had seen the first one. And that turned out to be a big mistake. Why? Well this sequel was just downright bad compared to the first movie.

The story is about the creator of a robot stealing his creation back as he apparently had his creation stolen away from him. He steals it back and will sell it to some Arabs. But the FBI are working with the Gen X Cops of the Hong Kong police and the job is up to them to stop this from happening. But things run hot between the FBI and the Gen X Cops.

Story-wise, then "Gen X Cops 2: Metal Mayhem" was sort of stupid and they tried to incorporate a lot of really bad comedy that just didn't work out in any possible way. If anything, then the attempts at comedy just made the movie even worse than it initially was.

What impressed me was that they had managed to get Paul Rudd to participate in this movie. And honestly, then I must say that he was actually doing a good job, and it was a nice change to see him in an action movie and not in the usual romantic comedies that he usually stars in. And another treat was seeing Anthony Wong make a short appearance, a cameo much like Jackie Chan's cameo in the first movie. But still, despite Paul Rudd and Anthony Wong, then it wasn't really worth it to sit through this movie.

There was a good amount of action in the movie, that worked well in the favor for the movie, however the fighting was stunted and halting, and the special effects weren't anything to applaud. And this really brought the movie down a couple of notches.

And what was up with the lame part about using Edison Chen and Sam Lee's actual real life names as the names of their movie characters as well? That was just ridiculous.

Do not watch the first one and then watch the sequel immediately after, because you will be sorely disappointed.
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