A very unusual take on film noir
20 July 2012
This movie kept me involved and entertained from beginning to end. Most of its conventions are drawn from film noir, albeit it might better be describes as a comedy of the absurd. With better distribution, it could become a cult classic.

Peter Dinklage is the hapless hero, struggling through the depths of Hollywood sleaze to get the $10,000 he needs to ransom his elderly dog. His buddy, played by Mark Boone Junior, has greater ambitions; but despite life and alcohol induced craziness, genuinely is a true friend.

Dinklage, as usual, is extraordinary, and his role is written so that his dwarfism is not even among the top five traits shaping his fully-formed character. If you are tired of the usual pap and want something to stimulate your brain as well as your senses, find this film.
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