Poetic Justice
30 May 2012
In 1848 New York, mysterious wanderer Joseph Cotten (as "Dupin") watches pretty young Leslie Caron (as Madeline Minot) arrive from Paris, France. She is looking for her lover's wealthy grandfather, Louis Calhern (as Charles Thevenet). Penniless and thirsty for wine, Mr. Cotten meets Ms. Caron and the two form a bond. Caron wants Mr. Calhern to finance the French Revolution. Caron finds Calhern is very ill, and expected to die. Moreover, she suspects actress-turned-housekeeper Barbara Stanwyck (as Lorna Bounty) and her staff may be helping the old man into his grave. Nice work from photographer George J. Folsey and the MGM crew. Clearly, director Fletcher Markle should have received more film assignments. The mystery involving Cotten's alcoholic character plays out as gimmicky and false, but "The Man with a Cloak" is worth an invitation.

****** The Man with a Cloak (11/27/51) Fletcher Markle ~ Joseph Cotten, Barbara Stanwyck, Leslie Caron, Louis Calhern
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