Kill List (2011)
Down Right Odd and Not For Everyone
22 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why I am drawn to these movies. As soon as I see that it put people off somehow I have to see it. This is the kind of strange movie obsession that leads you to places like Irreversible, Cache, and Begotten. So when I heard about Kill List I knew it was going to be a must watch. Kill List is a standard three act movie but the strange thing about this movie (ok, one of the strange things.) is that each act is like a separate movie. The first act is pretty much a straight up drama, the second act is more of a thriller, and final act is all horror movie.

This is one of those movies that you will hear people saying you have to see again after you see the ending. Apparently, it will all be much more clear for you on the second go around. Personally, I think one time through this movie was about all I could take. Jay and Gil are two former soldiers turned hit men. When the movie starts the two are on hiatus after a job they took over a year ago had some complications. Jay doesn't want to work again but he is pressured back into it by his partner Gil and his wife, who is nagging him about money. They agree to take an assignment to kill three men for a pretty hefty sum of cash. Once the two men start the assignments Jay begins to come unglued. He gets more and more violent and starts mutilating his victims. The two men also soon realize that things are not as they seem. The people that they are hired to kill start thanking them before they die, the person that hired them seems to have ulterior motives, and Jay and Gil quickly realize they are in over their heads.

Kill List is not a movie for everyone. It starts off slow and then comes at you pretty heavy. There is a scene with a hammer that is particularly brutal and not for the squeamish. This is also one of those movies with an ending that will probably send you to the internet looking for answers. It goes from traditional horror to strangely occult to down right odd.

I didn't recognize any of lead of characters from anything else that I had seen but for the most part the acting was pretty good. Neil Maskell was stand out as Jay and he does a nice job oozing menace. It does have some flaws and the parts where the occult aspect come into play don't get developed enough to make the film as cohesive as it should be. That said, it is still an interesting movie that at least took some risks and brings it at the audience full throttle. Kill List will be a confusing mess to some people and others will think it was great. I understand where both camps are coming from with this movie. For fans of the horror genre, this is film you should really check out.
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