Review of Revenge

Revenge (2011–2015)
Teenage series
20 February 2012
The show seems to have gotten a lot of positive reviews, but really cannot agree with them. To me it seems that revenge is just another teenage show, which leads me to question how has it gotten 8.3 stars without even having vampires in it... o_O

The idea of the show is decent enough, but it doesn't match up to the name, it really should be REVENGE, not a soap opera with teenage issues. The series is frankly a bit childish with emo themes in it. It's got the rich kids, the not rich emo dude who's angry at the privileged and pretty much the whole world except this girl etc etc. Sound familiar? It's because every teenage show has them.. It's not my cup of tea.

I did watch 5 episodes, should given up after 20 minutes of the show because that's more than enough to get the idea of what this series is about. I should add also that the main actor doesn't exactly fit the profile, she's just not believable as the "angel of death" who looks like an angel on the outside, she just looks dull. She doesn't make me believe her rage, anger.. anything.
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