Review of Robotropolis

Robotropolis (2011)
Really really awful. Seriously!
21 November 2011
I do love all things sci-fi, and I've been known to tolerate some fairly bad sci-fi B movies, but this was well and truly awful. No plot to speak of or character development, badly written and some pretty terrible acting to boot. It was almost as if someone stumbled upon a child's short story and decided to run with it as a script.

It opens with a rescue/recovery type scene which piqued my curiosity and promised something perhaps more interesting and in-depth to come. Unfortunately the opening scene is arguably the high point of the movie. What came after was just a jumble of badly acted live reporting scenes & interviews with a few chases thrown in later on, but overall nothing anyone will not have seen done better in other movies. Trying to write a summary of this movie is actually incredibly difficult as nothing of note actually happened in it.

I honestly don't know how or why I sat thru this until the end.

You have been warned!!!
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