Review of Last Ride

Last Ride (2009)
Rare and Distinctively Moving Drama
13 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First I must say that this is a drama that can make most people sad, so do think twice about watching this and pick the right mood for it. But the fact that it brings depression does not mean it is not a good movie. On the contrary, it is a brilliant one.

A very dark story is what this film presents. It is about a Dad and a son's journey, and the Dad is a fugitive from justice. I do not want to ruin the story but I can conclude that the story is not at all difficult to understand. The audience may have some questions in the beginning but they are answered as the film develops, through recalling of past memories by the characters.

The movie is realistic and believable, thanks to an incredible script, well-written dialogue and brilliant performances. The two main characters are very professional and amazing at their roles.

This movie makes the audience think about a lot of things. Given by the dark plot is a valuable lesson for us all. There is superb character development. The relationship of the father and the son is indeed the main focus. We see the son's mixed love and hate towards his Dad, and the father's deep concern for his son in spite of his violent nature. It raises a lot of thoughts in our mind, like how parents should treat their kids and what "the right thing to do" is.

I would like to point out another achievement of this movie. The film takes place across Australia, and the scenery is simply "wow". This movie does not hold back aspects of the country's natural beauty. The audience has the chance to see a whole lot of wonders: the desert, the forest, mountains, even a frozen lake.

"Last Ride" is a drama dealing with extremely dark themes and there are scenes that may be disturbing for some throughout the whole movie. This is definitely not the kind of movie that we watch and have a blast, and it is one-hundred percent not suitable for young children. Nonetheless, it is very successful in its realistic portrait and its powerful performances, and is highly recommended as a thought-provoking and touching drama.
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