Interesting documentary about why we both love and hate George Lucas
30 October 2011
First of all I am a fan of Star Wars and I think you need to be to appreciate this documentary.

It talks about the decisions George made to the Star Wars franchise and for many fans slowly killing it.

We get an interesting discussion about the whole franchise and what it means to people and how hurt a lot of people were (including me) when George started to make one unnecessary change after another.

It also deals with the disappointment of the prequels and the backlash that those movies got.

It also question his intentions and shows just how little he actually cares about the fans and their opinions, and how he is making the original movies more kid friendly.

And the part that really made me a little mad was when he basically gave fans the finger concerning the original cuts of Star Wars.

It's and interesting story about a filmmaker that wanted to dazzle his audience but ultimately fell to power of greed.

And to summarize I will quote a fan from this documentary: If I ever met the man I don't know if I would shake his hand or punch him.
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