Just Stay Away
17 October 2011
Not even the normally astute management of Colonel Tom Parker who as usual got a cast of top flight players to support Elvis Presley could save a stinker like Stay Away Joe. I had heard for years at how the American Indians were upset at this film and I've finally seen why.

As usual a bunch of white actors with a little olive oil makeup including the King are playing Navajo Indians. Elvis is a rodeo performer and a bull rider to be precise who has come home to the reservation bringing a herd of cattle that the government has given his parents Burgess Meredith and Katy Jurado to tend and raise. About two dozen cows and a bull which the Navajos slaughter and barbecue at a wild party to welcome Elvis home.

The rest of the film deals with various escapades romantic and otherwise the King gets himself in. A running joke is Joan Blondell trying to affect a shotgun wedding between Elvis and her daughter Quentin Dean, a girl whom the facts of life haven't been sufficiently explained, but who has some real lively hormones.

The Navajos here were portrayed as a bunch of partying drunken louts whom the white man isn't sure can deal with such responsibility as government cattle. No wonder they were all upset, not to mention the fact that white actors were portraying them as such. It's the Amos and Andy syndrome working here.

A young man named Ryan Dirteater who is one of the rising stars of the Professional Bull Riders came to mind when I watched Elvis riding home, making a grandstanding gesture on the original bull. Bucking bull or not I think the riders of the PBR would have been hooting at this one, knowing how hard it is to make that 8 seconds. I single out Dirteater because he is from Oklahoma of Cherokee Indian background.

Worst of all there are no good songs for Elvis coming out of the score. Isn't that what we really see a Presley movie for?

Just Stay Away Joe, and you viewers stay too.
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